You’re Invited Into The Birth Room

Mentorship for new doulas to delve deeper into what it means to be a doula and birth worker. A place for questions, for elevating skills, for expanding your perspective, and most importantly… community. Learn together with our other mentees, in a cohort no larger than five other doulas. Together we will gather, learn, and feel into where you want to grow your practice. We’d love to have you with us In The Birth Room.

Thoughts from In The Birth Room

Birth will take you places you’ve never been.

Doulas may be the guides and the reminder of the strength you hold, but the real power lies within yourself.

In that way doulas are a mirror and sacred space holders.

We hold the gates so you may go beyond to bring your baby earth side.

It is your divine birthright to meet your baby in the way that honours your power.

Into The Beyond
Travel Christine Jennings Travel Christine Jennings

Into The Beyond

Labor is going to ask you to slow your mind and to deeply traverse into a space where your body and hormones are dancing.

It's safe to go that place.

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Advocacy In The Birth Room is a discussion on Alberta’s maternity care system, birth stories that matter, and riffing on the beauty and challenges birthing and parenting in this wild world offers.

Coming soon.

Advocacy In The Birth Room is coming soon.

Watch out on Instagram for updates!